Aktive Darsteller
Activate an actor, causing it to become visible (if not also hidden) and for its OnUpdate script to start.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to activate.
Darsteller: Bewegung abbrechen
Cancel any currently running "Actor Move" events affecting this actor. Causes the actor to stop in its current location.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to cancel movement for.
Darsteller: Relativ Bewegen
Move an actor relative to its current position.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to move.
- X: The horizontal offset relative to the current position.
- Y: The vertical offset relative to the current position.
- Movement Type: Choose if should move in horizontal/vertical axis first or if it should move diagonally to destination.
- Kollisionen verwenden: Set if collisions with both scene and actors should be taken into account while moving.
Darsteller: Bewegen Zu Position
Move an actor to a new position.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to move.
- X: The horizontal position.
- Y: The vertical position.
- Movement Type: Choose if should move in horizontal/vertical axis first or if it should move diagonally to destination.
- Kollisionen verwenden: Set if collisions with both scene and actors should be taken into account while moving.
Deaktive Darsteller
Deactivate an actor, causing it to act as if it had gone offscreen. It will become invisible and its OnUpdate script will be stopped.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to deactivate.
Darsteller: Ausblenden
Hide an actor, causing it to become invisible. Its OnUpdate script will continue to run while hidden.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to hide.
Sprites: Alle Ausblenden
Disable rendering of sprite layer causing all sprites to become hidden until sprite rendering is reenabled.
Falls Darsteller An Position
Conditionally run part of the script if an actor is at a specified position.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- X: The horizontal position.
- Y: The vertical position.
- Wahr: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falsch: The script to run if the condition is false.
If Actor Distance From Actor
Conditionally run part of the script if an actor is within a certain distance of another actor.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- Comparison: The comparison operator to use e.g. 'Less Than' or 'Greater Than'.
- Distance: The distance value.
- Von: The actor to compare distance with.
- Wahr: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falsch: The script to run if the condition is false.
Falls Blickrichtung Des Darstellers
Conditionally run part of the script if an actor is facing in a specified direction.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- Blickrichtung: The actor direction.
- Wahr: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falsch: The script to run if the condition is false.
Falls Schauspieler relativ zum Schauspieler
Conditionally run part of the script based on the position of one actor relative to another.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- Comparison: The relative position comparison to use e.g. 'Is Above' or 'Is Below'.
- Other Actor: The actor to compare position with.
- Wahr: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falsch: The script to run if the condition is false.
Gegenstand: Projektil starten
Launch a projectile from an actor in a specified direction. When a project collides with other actors it will trigger their OnHit scripts.
- Sprite-Sheet: The sprite to use for rendering the projectile.
- Animationszustand: The sprite animation state to use.
- Quelle: The actor to launch the projectile from.
- Offset X: The horizontal offset from the source actors position to start launching the projectile.
- Offset Y: The vertical offset from the source actors position to start launching the projectile.
- Blickrichtung: The direction to launch the projectile. Can either be a fixed direction or based on an actor's current direction.
- Winkel: The angle to launch the projectile.
- Richtungs-Versatz: The distance the projectile should move from launch position in its launch direction before becoming visible.
- Geschwindigkeit: The movement speed.
- Animationsgeschwindigkeit: The animation speed.
- Lebensdauer: The amount of time in seconds that the projectile will live for.
- Loop Animation: Set if animation should loop.
- Destroy On Hit: Set if the projectile should be destroyed after its first collision.
- Kollisionsgruppe: The collision group that should be used when registering collisions with actors.
- Kollidieren mit: The groups of actors that will be checked for collisions. e.g. If it should pass through any actors but the player set this field to just 'Player'.
Darsteller: Spieler-Abprall
In platform scenes causes the player to bounce upwards by setting the player's velocity Y value.
- Höhe: How high the player should bounce.
Darsteller: Von Spieler Wegschieben
Causes the specified actor to be moved in the direction that the player is currently facing. Useful for creating block puzzles.
- Rutsche bis zur Kollision: Set to make the actor continue to move until a collision with another actor or the scene occurs.
Darsteller: Animationsframe Festlegen
Set an actor's animation to a specified frame value.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Animationsframe: The animation frame value.
Darsteller: Animationsgeschwindigkeit Festlegen
Set the animation speed of an actor to a new value.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Animationsgeschwindigkeit: The animation speed.
Darsteller Animation-Status setzen
Change the sprite animation state for a specified actor.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Animationszustand: The sprite animation state to use.
Darsteller: Kollisionen deaktivieren
Disable all collision checks for an actor allowing the player and all other actor's to pass through it while moving.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
Darsteller: Kollisionen aktivieren
Re-enable collisions for an actor causing it to become solid again if collisions had previously been disabled.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
Darsteller: Blickrichtung Festlegen
Change the direction that an actor is currently facing.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Blickrichtung: The actor direction.
Darsteller: Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit Festlegen
Set the movement speed of an actor to a new value.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Geschwindigkeit: The movement speed.
Darsteller: Position Festlegen
Set the position of an actor, causing it to instantly move to the new location.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- X: The horizontal position.
- Y: The vertical position.
Darsteller: Relative Position Festlegen
Set the position of an actor relative to it's previous position, causing it to instantly move to the new location.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- X: The horizontal offset relative to the current position.
- Y: The vertical offset relative to the current position.
Darsteller: Sprite-Blatt festlegen
Set the sprite that should be used to render an actor.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
- Sprite-Sheet: The sprite to use for rendering the actor.
Spieler: Setze Spieler Sprite-Sheet
Set the sprite that should be used to render the player.
- Sprite-Sheet: The sprite to use for rendering the player.
- Standardwert für Szenentyp ersetzen: Causes this sprite to override the default for all scenes of the current type. i.e. If you are currently in a platformer scene, all other platformer scenes using the default sprite will now load using this replacement sprite automatically instead.
Darsteller: Einblenden
Unhide a previously hidden actor.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to show.
Sprites: Alle Einblenden
Re-enable rendering of the sprite layer if previously disabled.
Darsteller: Emotions-Blas
Show an emote image above a specified actor. The image will be positioned centrally above the actor's collision bounding box.
- Darsteller: The actor to display an emote image above.
- Emote: The emote image to display.
Start Actor's "On Update" Script
Start an actors OnUpdate script if it is not currently running. If the actor is currently offscreen its script may become deactivated causing the script to stop running again, to prevent this set the 'Keep Running While Offscreen' setting for the actor's OnUpdate script.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
Darsteller: Stoppt "Zur Aktualisierung" Skript
Stop an actors OnUpdate script if it was currently running.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to update.
Darsteller: Blickrichtung In Variablen Speichern
Store the current direction of an actor within a variable.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- Variable: The variable to use for the direction.
Darsteller: Position In Variablen Speichern
Store the current position of an actor within two variables, one to store the horizontal position and another to store the vertical position.
- Darsteller: The actor you want to check.
- X: The variable to use for the horizontal position.
- Y: The variable to use for the vertical position.